This post will share individual Rx Water testimonial for the benefit of other users as well as the general public.
Rx Water Testimonial - Treating Eczema
"I have been suffering from eczema since my childhood. 5 months ago, my mom recommended me to drink Rx Water. After 2 months, I noticed some recovery. I continued drinking and after another 3 months, I recovered fully from it! I am so happy and grateful."
Muhammad Sharif Johor bin Dato' Nadzim Johan, 15
The All New Rx Water System -

Rx Water Testimonial - Daily Use

I tried Rx-Ozone to prepare raw fish and amazingly, the fishy smell was gone immediately and the fish could last longer and more fresh. Since then, I continued using Rx-Ozone water to prepare fruits, vegetables, raw food and even remove stench from my car.