Obesity: Learn the skills gained in the month of Ramadhan

It's just over a month left and then we shall meet the most awaited blessed month of Ramadhan. In this month Muslims are commanded to fast from sunrise to sundown. The experience is not only physical i.e. being in the sate of thirst and hunger but also spiritual and emotional. How a person who suffers from obesity goes through the whole day in a state of fasting is not yet fully understood.

Understanding the body

Man is a complex creation. It consists of many elements. There are hormones that regulate body sensations. There are brain and neurotransmitters that affect emotions. Specific to the phenomenon of obesity, the metabolism in the body is not the same as their thin body. Excess fat cells affect hormones and neurotransmitters.

Obese urge to eat

What happens in their oversized bodies? Even after eating, I still don't feel full. Have eaten, but the metabolism in the cells is not optimal and cannot convert food into energy. As a result, the body urges to eat again and again. Understanding this phenomenon, you can't rely on the satiety factor to stop eating. At the same time, don't be fooled by the sensation of hunger because that sensation is triggered by an incorrect metabolism.

Learning from the Ramadhan experience

There is something that can be learned from the month of Ramadhan. Although hungry, believers still do not eat. Although thirsty, believers still do not drink. Although tired, believers still continue to work. There is a lot that can be learned from the month of Ramadan to be applied in our lives. The main thing that needs to be refined is that we are what we manifest in our actions. ALL experiences in the soul in the form of thoughts, emotions and body sensations do not necessarily define a person. All that is a test that Allah s.w.t allows to happen in the soul.

Breaking Fast in moderation

A Muslim who fast, despite being hungry and thirsty, remains patient and does not invalidate the fast. Likewise, a loving person, even if there is a sense of anger and a high ego in himself, still patiently speaks good words and does not release his anger. Then, people will see themselves as caring, not as angry and egoistic.

The challenge

A person who is being tested with a large body size will definitely feel hungry easily due to the triggering of the sensation of hunger by the cellular metabolism which is not optimal. So, there is a choice to follow the emotions and sensations of the body or allow the mind to control the action. If you are aware that your body only needs a handful of rice, a piece of chicken and lots of vegetables and fruits, you will choose to eat according to your needs and not according to your body's desires and sensations. Surely this effort requires a lot of patience and if done continuously throughout life, weight can be reduced.

The key is to practice the skills gained in the month of Ramadhan. Act according to reason, not thoughts, emotions and body sensations. Lets look forward to this coming Ramadhan to train ourselves foremost to be someone who fear only God the almighty through refraining ourselves from doing bad deeds and instead increasing our good deeds.

One of the good deeds is to take care of our own body and live a healthy lifestyle. It is prudent therefore to look at reducing our weight if we are in the obese category. This can be achieved through regular exercise, dieting as well as taking the right supplement to reduce weight. If you haven't tried it, take a look at the Rx Lite.

Ayat Ibrahim
Registered Counsellor cum Dietitian

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Good Bye Obesity!

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